Red gem crash bandicoot 2 ps4
Red gem crash bandicoot 2 ps4

While at times there will be 2 grey gems and a crystal. Sometimes there will be just the crystal and the grey gem to get. Mind you not all colour gems will be on all levels. The first one is the colour gem the second is the crystal and the third is the grey gem. You can either do that or not as the endings are different in this game. Cortex will send you to get crystals for him, but that’s up to you. When you get warped, as I said there will be 5 levels each to do.

#Red gem crash bandicoot 2 ps4 how to

Oh another thing.there are hidden levels to be found, that will be placed in the walkthrough as well, on how to get there. In order to complete the level that was incompleted. When you collect some of them they can take you to hidden places in other levels. As you will not be able to complete them on the first go. And also there will be some levels that you will have to come back later too. Oh heads up in order to get the *Grey Gems*you will need to collect all of the boxes that are in that level. So I will be explaining more of how to get the gems, what the bonus rounds are like and more. This walkthrough will be a bit different from other ones that I would normally do. And to do that you will have the face bosses such as Ripper Roo, Tiny, T he Komodo Brothers and N.Gin. Complete this first room in order to unlock the next one above. In the middle of your findings you will be warped to a room. First when coco send you off to go and find her a battery. First of I'll explain a few more things before I get started. In this game it will be a lot more easier.Ĭrash will also gain new abilities to do such as the body slam move, high jump, extra high jump move and the glide, jump. that game gave me a headache to do, because of the hard things.

red gem crash bandicoot 2 ps4

And for those who have played that will know what I mean. This game carries on from Crash Bandicoot. And also I adore this game as it was part of my childhood, as for the rest of other people who came to play this game as well.

red gem crash bandicoot 2 ps4

And it would mostly be the gems and the colour gems part. s me again bringing you another walkthrough to do.mind you a lot of people tend to get stuck on this game at times. Follow the path before you to find a platform that will take you back to the level area, ending the Death Route.Crash Bandicoot 2 Cortex Strikes Back 100% Walkthrough. Soon, You'll pick up the Clear Gem from one of the platforms. The path before you is filled with a number of beehives and bomb plants, while some of the chasms ahead can only be scaled by utilizing a long jump (perform a slide to gain momentum then press the jump button). Get past the mines and continue moving forward.

red gem crash bandicoot 2 ps4

Get rid of it by utilizing a perfectly timed spin attack, otherwise Crash will be stung, losing a life in progress (interestingly enough, such event is rewarded with a trophy ( Buzz Off!)). Move past it - the hive will release a single bee. You'll soon approach the first beehive (shown on screenshot 2). The beginning of the bonus section sees you jump between nitro chests (stay close to the left side of the road). If you've haven't lost a life yet, the plate on you left will be active - step on it to begin the Death Route. If you've managed to complete the bonus round, make your way forward and stop by the junction shown on screenshot 1. Avoid careless running, as the level contains a large number of secrets which can be easily missed if the player is not cautious. Fortunately, some of the areas allow Crash to dive into the ground and continue moving while being protected from most attacks. Walkthrough:ĭiggin' It is characteristic for introducing new opponents - avoiding some of their attacks can prove to be quite problematic. The second playthrough should be focused on reaching the secret portal which unfortunately is located at the end of the level. Note - As in the case of the previous levels, both secrets call for separate playthroughs - dedicate the first one to clearing the crates and completing the Death Route without dying. 1 Secret Portal (leading to a hidden part of Road to Ruin).Moreover, you'll have to complete the whole section without dying. This unique area is accessed through a characteristic platform. Clear Gem #2 -Complete the Death Route.Clear Gem #1 - Destroy all the crates (95 in total).

Red gem crash bandicoot 2 ps4