Memoria en ingles
Memoria en ingles

memoria en ingles

Likewise, there exist various views supporting the idea that WM can actually be trained hence, increasing its capacity to retain and process the information required for effective language learning to take place ( Chein & Morrison, 2010 Gathercole & Alloway, 2007 McNamara & Scott, 2001). A large body of research ( Atkins & Baddeley, 1998 Daneman & Hannon, 2007 Ellis & Sinclair, 1996 Engel de Abreu & Gathercole, 2012 Martin & Ellis, 2012) has demonstrated that WM capacity is crucial for the completion of classroom activities, and it is also evident that such capacity varies from one person to another, accounting for differences in learning achievement. There are three main types of memory: long-term, short-term, and working memory (WM) each one of them is in charge of specific functions, but it is the last type that has proved to be particularly associated with how effectively a language is learned. Memory is that complex mental workplace where information of all sorts and sources is stored, processed, and retrieved in order to accomplish an endless number of tasks. In the language learning process, there are a number of factors, both cognitive and affective, that intervene and may play a determining role in how successfully this process is carried out one of these, without a doubt, is memory. Palabras clave: aprendizaje del inglés, estrategias de memorización, memoria de trabajo, retención de vocabulario. Después de un periodo de 10 semanas, se evidenció que la mayoría de los estudiantes que recibieron la intervención mostraron mejora en su habilidad para memorizar y recordar el vocabulario estudiado en la clase, lo cual a su vez fortaleció su competencia el idioma extranjero. Dos grupos intactos de estudiantes en nivel básico: uno experimental, con 28 estudiantes, y otro de control, con 22 estudiantes, pertenecientes a los cursos de inglés como lengua extranjera ofrecidos en pregrado en una universidad colombiana hicieron parte de este estudio. Key words: English language learning, memory strategies, vocabulary retention, working memory.Įste estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar cómo el entrenamiento de la memoria de trabajo puede contribuir a retener el vocabulario en inglés estudiado en clase a través de la implementación de algunas estrategias diseñadas para ejercitar este tipo de memoria.

memoria en ingles


After being exposed to a series of memory strategies for a period of 10 weeks, it was evident that most learners in the experimental group benefited from the intervention and showed gradual progress in the retention and retrieval of the words studied in the lessons thus, improving their overall competence in the foreign language. Two intact groups of beginners: one experimental, with 28 students, and one control group, with 22 students, belonging to undergraduate English as a foreign language courses at a Colombian university were involved in the study. This study sought to determine how working memory training could contribute to retaining vocabulary studied in English lessons through the implementation of a set of strategies.

Memoria en ingles